We’ve partnered with Flexiti to help turn your big purchases into small payments.

Apply today and you can be approved for the FlexitiCard in minutes.*

How it Works


Choose Flexiti at checkout or talk to a sales representative in-store to apply and instantly finance your purchase.

How it Works

Step 2.

We know it’s good to have options. Pick the financing plan and term that suits your budget.

How it Works


Use your FlexitiCard again and again, without reapplying! Shop at thousands of retail locations within the Flexiti NetworkTM.

How it Works


Choose Flexiti at checkout or talk to a sales representative in-store to apply and instantly finance your purchase.

Step 2.

We know it’s good to have options. Pick the financing plan and term that suits your budget.


Use your FlexitiCard again and again, without reapplying! Shop at thousands of retail locations within the Flexiti NetworkTM.

The flexible way to pay

Equal monthly payments- no interest*

Break up your entire purchase
(including tax, applicable fees, and optional insurance premiums) into equal monthly payments over the course of your term.

Deferred payment - interest accrues, no payments*

Defer your entire purchase (including tax, applicable fees, and optional insurance premiums) and pay in full at the end of your term. Only annual fees (if applicable) will be charged upfront.

Regular credit purchase*

It’s perfect for small purchases too! Use your FlexitiCard just like a regular credit card.